LONDON - (Satire News) - The newly elected prime minister of England Liz Truss only served 44 days before she was forced to resign.
Truss said that there are several reasons why she left; including the rumor about her having a tremendous onslaught of the "Change of Life," which is also called "The Menopausal Years."
She did stress to BBC reporter Oceana Figgly that she wants all the British subjects to know that her affair with Mike Field did not loom in her decision.
Lizzy, as King Charles III, calls her added that in just her 44 short days in office, she never heard so many nasty, vulgar F, P, A, B, C, and V words.
The outgoing prime minister did state for the record that she wants the person (most probably a male), who stole her five Victoria's Secret String Bikini Panties to return them immediately. (No questions asked). ■