The Pope Meets With Putin And He Tells Him To Go To Hell!

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Tuesday, 3 May 2022

image for The Pope Meets With Putin And He Tells Him To Go To Hell!
The pope telling Putin that he had better stop acting like he's the king of the world.

THE VATICAN - (World Satire) - The pope has just informed a reporter with The Vatican View that he wants all Catholics, and actually people of all religions including Episcopites, Presbyforatellos, Evanlithicans, Lutherinos, and even those wayward atheists, that he is fed up with the spoiled brat antics of Putin The Evil.

Pope Francisco made it known, in no uncertain terms, that the communist bully with an acorn-sized pecker can go to hell; straight to hell and he can pass "Go" on his hellacious journey.

Meanwhile Putin says that he will never, ever buy another Catholic raffle ticket, he will never drink wine or eat crackers, and on top of all of that he is going to eat hamburgers, steaks, bacon, fajitias, and woodchuck inners on each and every Friday.

SIDENOTE: Upon hearing Putty's remarks, the pope took a sip of his 16-oz glass of Chardonay and said that Putin can kiss his pontificalistic ass.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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