Election Latest! Election Latest!

Funny story written by Jaggedone

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

image for Election Latest! Election Latest!
New mayor of Timbuktu used his 'Trump' card and never got the hump!

The present mayor of Timbuktu, a desert village sunk in Saharan sands, who brutally rules over 5 mud huts, a pub with no beer, and a hotel with no rooms, has lost the local election.

Results were impeded by a plague of locusts devouring the ballot papers, ten in all. So, the mayor and his rival decided to 'shoot it out' in a duel in the dunes at high-noon.

Luckily, for the ten inhabitants of Timbuktu, the rival was faster. He has promised to clean up dead carcasses of thirsty passing camels and skeletons of refugees hoping to reach Europe who didn't have enough bucks to pay their people-smugglers.

The new mayor owns a goat, a pig, and a pair of Nike sneakers with holes in the soles, and one gold tooth worth more than his house. Locals call him, The Messiah, and Paul Simon wrote a song about him making him immortal.
The next four years promises to be fruitful for Timbuktu - apart from the damn locusts - now a corrupt bastard has been removed. The rest is in God's hand, but sadly, he's busy somewhere else!

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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