An entity that used to be a human male has spoken out about its choice to 'self-alienate', and to escape any kind of classification or categorisation aside from 'it'.
The entity, or 'it', has shed its name, thrown away its birth certificate, and destroyed all other documentary evidence it may have had with regard to its identity.
It regards itself as neither man nor woman, and does not think of itself as either heterosexual nor homosexual.
It has no affiliation with LGBTQI groups.
It recognises no law or authority, and regards itself free of the encumbrance of having to comply with any rules written down by others on its behalf, and does not regard its actions as having to conform to any kind of 'law' written by humans. It claims to live its life by solely by listening to its own instincts, which, however, do, in many instances, coincide with 'laws' written by Man. These, it claims, are merely 'common sense'.
The 'entity' - which does not even agree to being categorised as an entity, so limiting is this description - has recently had to defend itself against, what it calls, the "insulting labels" of being a man, woman, male, female, hermaphrodite, heterosexual, homosexual, transexual, multisexual, asexual, old, young, middle-aged, rich, well-off, comfortable, poor, poverty-stricken, and a whole swathe of other restrictive descriptions. Indeed, one might easily arrive at the conclusion that the only label that could reasonably be applied to this it would be 'a person who doesn't like being pigeon-holed', but, typically, it denied this.
The entity even showed disdain for the way different areas of the Earth have been divided into 'countries' by humans, who somehow imagine they have a right to do so. All places, it said, were just 'places', and restrictions of free movement placed upon any living thing, as with, for example, borders, should be ignored. When asked about where it was born, the entity said, in a voice that was neither male nor female:
"A location somewhere on the face of this planet."