It was bad enough that Judges Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett were appointed by a pussy grabber (some reference note), but it seems the pussy grabber is also turning out to be a felon. Forget that he threw plates of food against the walls of the W…
A blessing from heaven has come down upon the earth. The conservative majority in the U.S. Supreme Court has brought down the wall separating church and state in a series of new rulings. Satanists, Kwanzaa followers, Hindus Of Shiva's Heart, Worsh…
Knowing little to nothing about how the American Supreme Court makes and breaks laws, I asked my Zen master if he could offer enlightenment. Master Hoo plucked a shiny coin from inside his paisley rayon slacks and held it up to the light for me to…
Trump and his gang are ignoring subpoenas. All familiar names like Trump’s chief of staff Mark Meadows, pal Steve Bannon, Jim Jordan, attorney John Eastman, and a talker called Dan Scavino. Who is Dan Scavino? It was amazing that Ivanka Trump agr…
Salt Lake City, Utah. Wood Blister reporting for The Spoof. Retail merchants in Utah are fighting efforts to block the sale of fireworks in this fire-prone state and they seem to have the law on their side. That's because the existing law makes it i…
Congress is finally getting down to business and taking on some of the critical issues citizens face in their daily lives. The latest piece of legislation passed just this afternoon is aimed at stopping the constant droning of silly people who feel i…
Gay News— The Supreme Court has gone bananas again with Thomas leading the loony bin. The hypocritical people who sit on the highest court ruled, on Monday, that a student in Georgia could pursue a lawsuit challenging speech restrictions at his colle…
In a shock move, Amazon have finally started prosecuting people who ask purposefully stupid questions about products on their site. The decision comes as campaigners ramped up efforts to pressure the consumer giant to get something done about the…
In a move which even Franz Kafka would have had trouble making sense of, US legislators have today passed a law to ease the lengthy deportation process involving illegal migrants, dispensed with immigration hearings, and given the green light to summ...
LUNDUN, Merry Old England -- District Judge Katie Bar'Dor declared soccer has-been Dave Beck-Hamm a “menace to the road” and prohibited him from driving for six months after the athlete was spied talking on a mobile phone while driving his Bentley.
Partners at internationally acclaimed mergers and acquisitions firm Shrinks, Globe & Greid, LLP, were chagrined when, as part of the firm's annual Employee Appreciation Week, an intern in their Manhattan office mistakenly distributed a company um...
A Death Row convict at a Louisiana jail, who left a terrible trail of violent crime behind him, including six gruesome murders, and who was due to face execution by lethal injection on Saturday, has escaped. Billy Bob Jackson, 48, arrested by poli...
A judge in Chicago has said that accusations that actor Jussie Smollett organised an attack against himself which was intended to look like a hate crime, show just how fucked up people in the US are, and how tricky it is to be a judge. Judge John...
A boy has told a group of his closest friends that he is to sue his parents for having him without his consent, so that he can pay for a holiday to Ibiza. Sam Bratt, 17, says he did not ask to be born, and, although he loves his life, and his pare...
CNB NEWS: "Law, and business should be taught to K-12 students," says Tom Cruise. As a parent, actor, and visionary, Cruise is beside himself with delight while thinking about the prospects of going into K-12 schools and witnessesing teachers teac...
An entity that used to be a human male has spoken out about its choice to 'self-alienate', and to escape any kind of classification or categorisation aside from 'it'. The entity, or 'it', has shed its name, thrown away its birth certificate, and d...
A child murderer who was sentenced to life imprisonment, and was told he would never walk free again, has been cleared to walk free again. David McGreavy, now 69, was babysitting three children for his landlady in 1973, when the children started...
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