Under-pressure Prime Minister Theresa May heaved a huge sigh of relief and stuck two spindly fingers up to her detractors tonight, when she won the so-called 'no confidence vote' by a landslide, condemning the public to another year of her ugly mug as the leader of politics in this country.
MPs had earlier triggered the need for the vote by notifying Sir Graham Brady that at least 48 of them had no confidence in Mrs May, and it subsequently transpired that, indeed, 117 of them had no confidence in her.
More importantly, however, 200 did.
Mrs May was said to be "delighted at the show of support" she had had from her Tory colleagues, and would be doing her utmost to repay that confidence in her future leadership of the party blah blah blah...
She celebrated by smiling as the result was announced, then curled her lip into a sneer, as she thought of all the nasty peons she had to govern, and on whose behalf she had to go begging to Brussels once more.
The Prime Minister then raised two fingers in a Churchill-like victory-V sign, before turning them round in a rather more offensive way, to show all 117 of her detractors what she thought of their sober reasoning.
Now we're really in trouble.