Munich, Deutschland - Dr. Hans Freid Eggs, a renowned German zoologist has come to the defence of four orang-utans convicted of grievous buggery committed against a group of Belgian schoolboys.
"This is nothing but a snitch-up!"(sic) exclaimed Eggs. "How typical of the media to frame these innocent patsies! They're just looking for a scapeape,(sic) as usual!".
Ex-Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has added his own 'two Pfennigs'.
"I deem the crimes of these beasts luscious in the extreme".
The Pope also tweeted his own thoughts. "Pray for the souls of these Neanderthals, they know not what they did"-Pontifex
Vatican spokesman Giancarlo Pappadappadoni has confirmed that His Holiness will travel to Munich on a purple giraffe accompanied by leather-clad Mexican midgets to celebrate a Mass in honour of the primates.