Edward Snowden States That He Knows The Phone Numbers and Social Security Numbers of Every Adult Man and Woman In The USA

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

image for Edward Snowden States That He Knows The Phone Numbers and Social Security Numbers of Every Adult Man and Woman In The USA
Edward Snowden was surprised to learn that Kim Kardashian has 7 different cell phone numbers.

MOSCOW - NSA whistleblower and Russia's Director of Computers Edward Snowden has just made an interesting statement to Russia's national news agency, Vodkavich.

Snowden revealed that he has the personal cell and home phone numbers plus social security numbers of every man and woman residing in the United States.

He stressed that he will not use them for his benefit but if his boss, President Vladimir Putin requests to see the lists he will certainly provide them to him.

Snowden, who is engaged to President Putin's sensuously attractive niece Nadia Olgavich, said that he was surprised to learn that President Obama and Ann Coulter's social security numbers are exactly the same except for the last two numbers.

The president's social security number ends in 01 and Coulter's ends in 40.

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