Pelosi's Painted Pursed Lips Brought Both Pain And Pleasure To The New President

Funny story written by Dr. Billingsgate

Saturday, 20 November 2010


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image for Pelosi's Painted Pursed Lips Brought Both Pain And Pleasure To The New President
Raccoon Eyed Despot

Yes, we're talking about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the raccoon-eyed vamp who bobbed up and down behind President Obama while he read his State of the Union speeches from his ever-present TelePrompter.

There is nothing sexual about this, unless you are turned on by images of sagging boobs and a face so stretched thin by countless face lifts that her falsetto smile is the only expression she can conjure up.

Even now, as she fights to retain whatever support she can hustle with the battered Democratic Party, she has not lost her thirst for what former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger described as the ultimate aphrodisiac; POWER.

So while Nancy was flying around the country in her private Air Force jet, her ever pursed lips inviting unimaginable pleasures to both men and women; the chosen ones who bowed down for her blessing with hopes that both the President and Vice-President would pre-decease her, are now searching for life's new meaning. The thought that she would become the most powerful woman on earth, this has all vanished as quickly as her ephemeral smile.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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