A gay man from Texas took sweet revenge on one of a group of US Marines who shouted obscenities at him last week, by waiting for one of them to become detached from the rest of his abusive group, then kicking the shit out of him.
Larry Sabu, 20, was on his way home from a US Army recruitment interview, which he failed, and passed five of the Marines, who had recently returned from active service in Helmand province in Afghanistan. They laughed at him, and called him "a faggot".
Larry, already smarting from his earlier bad luck, quickly assessed the situation, and decided to sequester himself behind some wooden crates around the next corner, and waited patiently.
When darkness came, the group of Marines bade each other farewell, and left for home, but one of them walked straight past where Larry was hiding.
The proud gay man leapt from his position and cracked the Marine squarely in the jaw. Hearing it snap, he launched a barrage of punches into the man's stomach, ribs and head, knocking him easily to the ground, where he continued his remorseless assault by kicking the living daylights out of the poor, sad bastard.
Then Larry went home, reflecting on the fact that he wasn't really bothered about joining the Army anyway.