John Boehner Admits He Hates Poor People, Babies and Puppies

Funny story written by Moose

Sunday, 12 September 2010

image for John Boehner Admits He Hates Poor People, Babies and Puppies
CBS's Bob Schieffer's TV

WASHINGTON, DC - Bob Schieffer, host of CBS's "Face The Nation" was able to get his guest, US Minority House Leader John Boehner, to admit that he and all Republicans hate poor people, babies, puppies and everything else that is not related to the wealthy.

After tenacious questioning, prodding, urging, inciting, exhorting, goading and provoking, Mr. Schieffer finally got the answer that he had been seeking: "OK! I give up! I admit it! I hate everyone and everything that doesn't have a lot of money! Now, please stop asking the same question over and over and over and over and over again!", Boehner said.

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