Pole: 5 of 4 Amerikan Stewdents Think Math is Overated

Funny story written by Moose

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

image for Pole: 5 of 4 Amerikan Stewdents Think Math is Overated
That ain't write kid.

WASHINGTON DC - A nu Gallop pole owt today shows that moste Amerikan stewdents think that math is a waist of tym.

Wen axed "Is math impotent in ur lyf?" 92% ansered "no", 47% ansered "yes", 32% ansered "I dont no" and 27% ansered "I dont kar".

Wen thees same stewdents wer axed "Is Inglish impotent in ur lyf?" 76% sed "no", 36% sed "yes", 19% sed "I dont no" and 66% sed "huh?".

Wen axed "Wut waz the moste impotant subkekt?" 85% sed "reeses", 38% sed "lunch", 29% sed "da bell" and 16% sed "wut?".

Note: This callum wuz ritten and editid exlusivly buy students at Eest Holywud Hi Skool.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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