Pole: Most Amerikan Students Think Inglish is Not Impotant

Funny story written by Moose

Saturday, 21 August 2010

image for Pole: Most Amerikan Students Think Inglish is Not Impotant

In a new Gallop pole, the nashun's teenajers have voised there opinyun that skool does not provide a valuble edukashun.

Allthoe Amerika's teens beleve thay is better off now than thay was before there skooling began, more beleve the edukashun sistem will ultimutly be judjed a failur.

More then haf of the respondants sed that Inglish wuz not impotant in there lives, wile more then 75 persent sed thay did not sea wy thay had to studee Inglish in ordr to find a gud-paying jahb.

The pole also axed students to rate the valu ov math in there edukashun. 5 owt of 4 respondants sed that math wuz not impotent and thay did not undurstand wut valu it aded to there futur.

Note: This callum wuz ritten and editid exlusivly buy students at Eest Holywud Hi Skool.

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