It never ends! More Educational 'Hoo Ha' over 'seemingly' inflated 'A' level results. Oh what a surprise!
Who do those Educators think they're fooling? Tomfoolery, fiddling of results etc. is rife an has been going on for decades in all branches of Education.
Do away with testing altogether and use the Credit system as many other countries do. Send the little 'buggers' out into the big wide world for job-placements whilst they're still in High School...and use their 'performance' results 'on the job' to help them make a decision about their future.
Hell's bells, my best friend worked in Banking all of her life and was given her first job before the 'O' level results came out, back in the '60s. SHE FAILED MATH!
Bring back 'apprenticeships'. I know many who were apprentices in industry and went on to make a wonderful living without the help of bloody 'O' levels or 'A' levels whilst nowadaya, many University Graduates are in the dole queues.
You need a Ph.D in some countries to get into Teachers' College. I've worked alongside people with degrees falling out of their ears and they haven't a clue how to teach, because everything came to them 'easily'. Most of them don't know 'failure' and can't accept it if students just don't 'get it'!
Exams - Standardized Testing - scrap 'em all. Let the little dears be 'children' and ease them into the big wide world gently with some 'proper on-the-job training' wherever possible.
Life's tough enough as an adult without having stress thrust upon you in Primary School. Ah! The good old days!