Jolie and Pitt Bring Suit Against

Funny story written by Richard DagNabbit

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

image for Jolie and Pitt Bring Suit Against
Hey George, its just like another Iraq deal.. How Cool is This!

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have brought suit against the Pitt and Jolie are alleging that the only reason thousands of tabloid newspapers worldwide are reporting a split up between the entertainment pair is that printed the untrue story first.

The actors and parents of 60 were reported as being in a virtual war to divide the kids at 30 each and split the $205 Billion dollar estate at 100 Billion each with $5 Billion set aside for Attorney Fees.

It was also suggested that a Hollywood law firm Wealth, Redistribution & Associates, LLC was handling the divorce.

A toll call to the firm resulted in a flat denial by George B. Wealthy that the entertainer firm had even filed papers as it would take some time to calculate the total assets of the couple and construct a billable hours scheme to most effectively serve their needs.

Pitt, in an interview, said the reports got most of the numbers wrong and printed them anyway. "Only the part about the $5 Billion in Attorney fees is correct" said Pitt, "but our estate is really only worth $205 Million so as you can easily see, we can't even afford to get a divorce."

Tony Redistribution indicated in a later interview that it was Senior Partner George B. Wealthy who calculates fees and that he trusts George implicitly on matters of money and war, and thus I know nothing about it

Reporting from Tales of the Unfortunate,

Dagnabbit Rabitt

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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