Washington, DC - In what some political analysts are calling the most despicable sortie on Barack Obama to date (one even the Republicans would not dare launch fearing being labeled racist), someone in the Clinton campaign is suspected to have released yet another series of incriminating photos of Obama. Only this time, he is not dressed in an African ceremonial tribal chieftain garb. No, it is much worst: He is seen as a child eating Velveeta Grilled Cheese Sandwiches on White Bread.
The photos, if proven authentic, show an 11-year-old Obama sitting at a kitchen table, eating grilled cheese sandwiches with a block of Velveeta cheese, and the colorfully wrapped Weber's White Wonder Bread on the kitten counter in the background.
Political analysts predict the photos will have a devastating impact in both the White Black community alike but mostly effecting the White, as it flies in the face of Obama's claims of being raised by a White single mother yet still maintaining his African-American cultural identity, damaging his credibility with them.
"It hard to tell which image of Obama is more damaging," said a political analyst. "The one of him as an adult dressed as an African chieftain, or him as a child eating those Velveeta Grilled Cheese Sandwiches on White Bread."
"It's not just the Velveeta cheese or the White Bread," said a former Black Obama supporter incensed by the photos. "Everyone has eaten either one in their lifetime. After all, we're just human. But eating them together, at the same time? That's just intolerable."
Unlike the pervious photo of Obama dressed as an African chieftain, which was immediately rejected because it was blatantly xenophobic. This one fails to have the same unifying effect, said a political analyst.
"Instead they're divisive," said a political analyst. "Because they have the White voter saying, 'Hey, he was given the same opportunity as me. He wasn't disadvantage.' While the Black voter says, 'Hey, he's eating Velveeta cheese and on Weber's White Wonder Bread, too. Obama isn't Black! He's just another White guy!"
Moreover, it is rumored that Clinton is currently on the hunt for yet another incriminating photo, one that has been floating around the Obama campaign trail for weeks now. Allegedly, the photo shows him eating some crackers.
"If that's true," said an outraged White Obama supporter. "I'm voting for McCain!"
The Obama campaign has yet to officially comment on the current or the growing controversy of the alleged cracker photo (rumored to be surfacing very soon) as they are busy going through the photo albums of Obama's friends and family, desperately searching for any pictures of him eating Macaroni and Cheese.
"Since it's both Black and White America's most popular meal served to our children at dinner time every night," said an Obama campaign spokesman. "Obama's image as a man of all the people will be fully restored, once again."