Fresh concerns were voiced about Hillary Clinton's credibility when she announced she had been a decorated fighter pilot in the First World War, despite that having taken place almost 30 years before she was born.
"I was known as the greatest fighter ace in world war one and shot down the Red Baron in a famous dogfight."
She also claimed she had fought bravely during the Spanish Civil War, Korea and was a top general in World War Two.
"Not only did I plan the Normandy landings,"she said "but I personally led the American troops onto Omaha beech."
She added that, despite being wounded over one million times she had successfully saved nine hundred fellow soldiers and a small puppy she found trapped under rumble.
"Later they parachuted me into Hitler's bunker to finish off the Nazi hierarchy. They needed someone tough, so I volunteered. Its just the sort of action you would expect from someone who wants to be America's commander in chief. What can Obama say to equal that?"
Clinton's recent outbursts, which include claims that she discovered penicillin and was the first person to walk on the moon, have caused a few raised eyebrows among her supporters.
Aldous Prior, her spin doctor, was unavailable for comment.