Hillary's "Misspeak" on Bosnia

Funny story written by Gina Nobinger

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

image for Hillary's "Misspeak" on Bosnia
Just before the incident

After the CBS News video from Hillary Clinton's 1996 Bosnia visit contradicted her recollections of landing under sniper fire, Clinton recanted her earlier statements. She said the sniper fire she was remembering was actually inside the living quarters of the White House during a lamp-throwing incident in 1993.

"I vividly remember," said Clinton, "Secret Service opening fire on me when I threw a lamp at the head of then President Bill Clinton."

Had she not already been suited up in combat gear complete with helmet and flak jacket, she said she never would have survived the dangerous corkscrew landing she made behind the couch when twelve secret service agents burst through the door in a blaze of gunfire.

"I've been to 80 countries. You know? I've given extemporaneous accounts. I wrote about all this in my book. You know? I think that, you know, if I said something that, you know, I say a lot of things, millions of things everyday. They can't all be 100% accurate. So if I misspoke, I misremembered--that was just a misstatement. How am I supposed to remember what really happened?" she said.

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