Bernanke Announces Ron Paul $3 Bill

Funny story written by Warren Redlich

Thursday, 7 February 2008

image for Bernanke Announces Ron Paul $3 Bill
Dick Cheney plans to distribute the new Ron Paul $3 bill

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke today announced that the Fed would start printing a $3 bill with a picture of Ron Paul on it, as part of a larger plan to stimulate the economy. The Fed hopes that the infusion of billions of the $3 bills will stimulate the economy, while giving credit to Ron Paul for his efforts to improve US monetary policy.

Bernanke is working with Vice President Dick Cheney to arrange for distribution of the Ron Paul currency through Halliburton. Economists predict that the cash infusion will boost GDP by 0.01%, while having a modest impact on inflation.

The Ron Paul camp was mixed on the news. Some were appreciative of the attention it brings to the candidate. Ron Paul himself was not happy: "This is just another example of government debasing the fiat currency. It's against the principles of the Constitution, and I don't want anything to do with it."

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