New York, New York - No longer able to wrap himself up in the American flag or have his supporters muddy the waters with issues of free of speech or screaming a double standard to defend his racist and sexist comments against black members of Rutgers women basketball team, Imus must now put up and his supporters shut up.
"The only way he can win the lawsuit is by proving his racists and sexists comments against black members of Rutgers women basketball team were true at the time he said them," said a legal expert.
All this time, although he himself apologizing profusely, supporters of Imus have been rightfully pointing out the double standard of black rappers claiming artistic freedom of expression of their negative depiction of black women in their songs, often singing the same racist and sexist statements against black women as Imus but in general.
With the lawsuit pending against Imus, unlike the black rappers, he alone must prove the offensive comments he made on the air were true when he spoke them specifically against a real black woman, Kia Vaughan, a member of Rutgers women basketball team.
Supporters of Imus may still scream freedom of speech or double standard. However, no one in or out of a court of law can argue the suit brought against him by Vaughan, on the grounds that he made specific comments against her as a black member of Rutgers women basketball team, were slanderous and defamation of character, despite what they say, claim legal experts.
"Unless Imus is prepared to substantiate his outrageous racist and sexist allegations in a court of law, it looks like a slam-dunk for our client," said an attorney for the Petitioner.