East Bay High School Swear Jar Feeds Africa

Funny story written by Matty J Rad

Thursday, 12 July 2007

image for East Bay High School Swear Jar Feeds Africa

For the past month, East Bay High School has had severe profanity problems. As a solution, the staff created a giant Swear Jar. Every time the students swear or use vulgar language, they must pay 25 cents to the Swear Jar or go to detention.

The total amount accumulated to about one million three hundred thousand two hundred and seventy-six dollars. Many teachers argued over where the profits went to, but all eventually agreed that they would feed Africa. Sending over vast amounts of food, they temporarily solved the continental hunger problem in Africa.

They still had about seven hundred thousand dollars left, so remaining money was spent on a very nice teacher's lounge, though it didn't appear to be quite worth that much, and the principle quit the day after.

The Swear Jar has been removed because the students no longer have any lunch money. Though the obesity problem has declined along with the profanity, the parents were annoyed with extensive costs of their children's vulgar habit.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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