Yes, indeed! Trump's defense and excuse for taking a few truckloads of Classified, Top Secret Documents to Mar-a-Lago, trying to hide them, claiming to have given everything back, but not, was because (brace yourself) he planned to study the documents carefully so that he and he alone could find a solution and way to create world peace.
Who would or could convict Donald Trump and send him to jail for such a noble and honorable plan? And let's finally give the guy his Nobel Peace Prize instead of sending him to jail.
There was also the issue of global warming that he wanted to tackle. And why not? He was always a closet environmentalist. Deep, deep closet environmentalist. He thought about it a lot but couldn't get to first base. However, with those few truckloads of Classified Top Secret Documents, how could he fail?
Sometimes the journey is longer than the ride.
He planned to study hard, take no days off, and announce his instant solution for world peace and global warming during his inauguration speech in 2025! Yes, indeed!
So who would lock him up for such a grand and dedicated notion of hope and duty, sacrifice and love of country, world peace, and exercising his last full measure of devotion?
"Yeah," Rudolph Giuliani would instantly agree! "I heard him voice the same optimistic plan for years and years. The man has heart."
The journey is longer than the ride?
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