Trump insiders have released preliminary schemata about what happens if or when Trump becomes America’s true Hitler.
There must be a test determining who is for and who against Trump, since Democrats can often look just like Republicans, and even walk and talk like them, and MAGA Mavens sometimes get confused as to who is who or whom.
It’s called the Grope Test. Trump or a Trump-approved sexist macho pig will be allowed to grope any woman they want, and if the woman likes the grope, she is a good MAGA Maven; if she protests too much, then she could easily be a Democrat who demands her rights not to sexually harassed by any male. WOW! Y’see what kind of evil women poor old Trump may have to deal with?
So this reporter was in Scarizona recently where I tried to ask Kari Lake: “Will you allow yourself to be openly groped by Trump, and if not, are you truly one of his future harem whores? He demands completely loyalty, Kari! You’re either with him or you’re scum – which is it? He says all women love it, so are you or are you not a woman, Kari?”
Her people said she was too far away to hear my question … but she heard … although, perhaps Kari is not a woman at all? Does she identify as male, and if so, will Trump openly grope a guy?
Ask yourself this one question, MAGA people: Would you willingly let Trump grope you? It’s gonna be a black and white world very soon – no grey zones – so you better decided which hand you want between your legs: a man’s or your own? After all, as all Christian Rebs know: a woman is no good judge of her own body, so the correct answer is: I need a man between my legs!
Wait for 2024! Sexism, misogyny, racism – all the hatreds will become perfectly legal! It’s gonna be a good war!