Only Women Supreme Court Judges Should Decide Abortion Rights

Funny story written by K.C. Bell

Sunday, 8 May 2022

image for Only Women Supreme Court Judges Should Decide Abortion Rights
"Sure! Let me change into my black robe. I can do this job."

Why should abortion rights be a guy's thing to decide? What's next? Will guys on the Supreme Court decide whether women can use tampons? Does a black robe make a guy an authority about women's health issues?

"No, that tampon looks too much like a sex toy. Women have to go back to using pads. It is my judgment that women could become aroused using tampons, and there goes dinner at seven."

What if the question before the Supreme Court dealt with male circumcision or vasectomy? Say the subjects became dinner party conversations or discussed during Super Bowl commercial breaks? A group decides both procedures are immoral. Both issues go to the US Supreme Court.

Should the lady Justices on the Supreme Court recuse themselves, or could they handle the question of male circumcision and vasectomy? Can women justices have the same experience as male judges?

The Taliban decided to shut down girls' schools, and women had to go back to wearing the full-face covering burka. Hide a women's face, body and infantilize her brain. Women also aren't allowed to leave their home without a male escort.

For good measure, why not take away women's shoes.

Would any woman judge on the US Supreme Court rule in favor of the new Taliban regulations? Male judges on the Supreme Court have already decided on women's abortion rights.

Will they eliminate birth control next? For good measure, why not take away women's voting rights.

One judge on the Supreme Court called President Obama a liar during Obama's State of the Union address. That diva was appointed by President George W Bush, the same guy who said Putin had a soul.

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The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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