Arnold Schwarzenegger has teamed up with Danny DeVito once again to make a sequel to the 1994 movie, “Junior”, where Arnold plays a pregnant man! But there’s already been blowback from the Abortion Lobby since they’re incapable of getting the joke.
Women and girls can’t get an education in Afghanistan. Well, what did you think would happen? These people are extreme religious nutbars. Religion always makes people crazy. Prove me wrong, and please do so without shoving your ridiculous “holy”…
Washington - Senator Lindsey Graham, after consultation with the Republican National Committee and his mentor Donald Trump, has decided to amend the proposed GOP total abortion ban, which doesn't allow the procedure in cases of rape or incest, to exc…
Give me a head with hair, long beautiful hair … damn hippies! What would Richard Millhouse (D’oh!) Nixon think? Hair isn’t for protesting – the hairless have spoken. During the Age of Aquarius, the hippies grew their hair as a rebellion against th…
The strict Muslim countries might show the world. (Holy irony, batman!) Women in Iran are sick and tired and bringing the pain to the men who rule them with an iron boot heel. Some women in Afghanistan must have seen their Iranian counterparts and…
Self-reproducing Life existed for 2-3 billion years before there were Men. Let's call this self-reproducing life, Female, as it was able to reproduce by itself and was not Male and did not need a Male. Then, Nature, the Creative Force, etc, de…
Why should abortion rights be a guy's thing to decide? What's next? Will guys on the Supreme Court decide whether women can use tampons? Does a black robe make a guy an authority about women's health issues? "No, that tampon looks too much like a…
Now that the illustrious and esteemed body known as the Supreme Court of ‘Merica is considering overturning Roe v. Wade, I had to get some details personally. So I flew in my private jet and sipped champagne and placed wagers on Indonesian cock-fight…
A woman held a cardboard sign reading:WHY DO OLD WHITE MEN GET TO DECIDE? DECIDE what? The woman was protesting women's health rights in front of the US Supreme Court, questioning why men decide. The white men were the white male members o…
KABUL, Afghanistan – (World Satire) – Now that the Taliban terrorist have taken over the country, their first mandate is that women will no longer be allowed to vote. Taliban spokesperson Sabeen Siri Yasim, remarked that another change will be tha…
All My Women and This Nonsense #Metoo Movement I've always said, 'If you need Viagra, you're probably with the wrong girl.' Donald Trump Now Available on Amazon Love me or hate me, Donald Trump is a man who is certain about what he wants, and s...
Bollywood actress, Esha Gupta, has recently found new fame by accusing a hotelier in Delhi of “raping her with his eyes.” Ms. Gupta further explained that the man continually stared at her for a long time and was a “future rapist.” She denied t...
President Donald Trump has reacted characteristically to comments made by Megan Rapinoe, the US Women's football player who said she wouldn't visit the White House should her team win the World Cup. Trump tweeted: "She's a women. She'll do as s...
The annual International Women's Day celebrations got off to a bright-and-breezy early start today, with many women merely carrying on with their normal daily routines. In New York, housewife Barbara Oppression got busy with some ironing, before w...
Robotic sex doll designers are moving ahead quickly with products that can think and feel emotions, as well as have sex. However, with increasing sensitivity, as when the dolls are programmed to “see sex as a resource,” they may cheat on their own...
Militant feminists have described an M&S window display in Nottingham which suggests that women must have "fancy little knickers" as sexist and "vomit-inducing". On the other hand, a display aimed at men suggests that they should have "outfits to...
The restaurant chain Dunkin’ Donuts announced on Tuesday that it’s dropping the word “Donuts” from its name, and renaming itself 'Dunkin’.' "The shortened branding will align with the company’s emphasis on coffee and other beverages," Dunkin’ Brands...
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