GOP: Barrett Will be Really Fair and Impartial As She Eliminates Health Care, Women's Choice and Biden Victory

Funny story written by Jaki Treehorn

Thursday, 15 October 2020

image for GOP: Barrett Will be Really Fair and Impartial As She Eliminates Health Care, Women's Choice and Biden Victory
Amy Coney Barrett says she will be fair to all sides

Washington - At the Senate Confirmation hearings for Amy Coney Barrett, Senate Republicans on the Judicial Committee praised the prospective Supreme Court judge after she indicated that she would be a totally fair judge who would apply the law without any regard to her own beliefs.

Every judge that has been appointed to the court in recent memory has also made the same statement. However, also in about every decision by the high court in recent memory, the court split along predictable political lines.

"I can't discuss how I would vote on specific issues of course" said the judge. "But I will be totally fair and impartial, just like all of the current judges" said Barrett.

The completely independent, middle of the road jurist was rushed through the appointment process by the Party of Trump right before the election because she is so impartial.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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