Supreme Court Decides Against Donald J. Trump

Funny story written by K.C. Bell

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

image for Supreme Court Decides Against Donald J. Trump
"Put up or shut up!"

In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court has decided that Donald J. Trump must release all of his financial records for the last ten years. After all, they suggested, rather capriciously, Trump himself promised to release his financial records when they were through being audited. They added that a promise was a promise.

And how many times during the 2016 presidential campaign, and after, did Trump promise to release his financial records, but couldn't because they were being audited?

Way, way too many times to count, but, be assured, it was more than once, and once was enough for it to be considered a fraudulent statement or a lie if they were not released. And fraud will send an individual straight to the big house.

So writing in favor of their unanimous decision, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote: Therefore, you must put up or shut up, or go straight to jail for fraud!

Justice Kavanaugh added: "This nation is not a monarchy or a fascist state, and that Trump is neither a king or queen or dictator. So don't pretend you are one or the other, got it?"

The day after the decision was announced, someone resembling Be Best, wearing Jackie O sunglasses and trademark five-inch stiletto heels, was seen boarding a plane headed for Slovenia, accompanied by two steamer-size Louis Vuitton trunks, and insisting one of the trunks was her carry-on.

“Lady, you want to take it to the Supreme Court?”

The lady demurred.

Evidently, the Supreme Court, with its unanimous decision, has restored the basic principles upon which this nation was founded, and for every soldier who ever defended and died for this same nation, and for every taxpayer who dutifully paid their yearly taxes, that Donald J. Trump, bone spurs or not, shall release his financial records, and that he is not above the law.

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