President Bush Outlaws All Anna Nichole Smith Jokes

Funny story written by President Bush

Saturday, 10 February 2007

image for President Bush Outlaws All Anna Nichole Smith Jokes
Woman already arrested for accidentally calling Anna Nichole a 2-bit Trollup

In an emergency Oval Office secret signing session yesterday President Bush, using the same secret signing powers he used to get us into Iraq signed into law legislation making it illegal to mock, spoof, humorize, make-fun-of, demoralize or in any laughable shape, form or fashion comment on Anna Nichole's tragic demise. Tim Russert of Meet the Press met the president in a show rehearsal and asked him,

"What are these secret signing powers that you have to make things become law and how come they're never mentioned in the constitution?"'

The president replied,

"Tim, that constitution just about gives me the right to do just about any darn'ed thing I want as long as it's for the good of the people. Your show in fact .. did you know I pay your salary and could have you fired so fast that your .."

Russert came back with,

"Excuse me Mr President. You do NOT pay my salary, I as a tax-payer pay YOURS. You're just a public servant like the dog catcher down the block or the trash man driving those garbage trucks at night."

TV Guide recommends that everyone looking for a good laugh see this week's Meet the Press. Back at the White House reporters asked Mr Bush why he made it illegal to make fun of Anna Nichole. He replied,

"You folks have been making fun of Texans all your life. There's a couple of ya out there still hoop'n and holler'n about Buddy Holly goin down. The great nation of Texas is not going to take this anymore so I'm making it illegal to make fun of Anna .. even if she was a trollup. And a gold digger. And a no talented tramp. And a bleached blond bimbo out to make a buck nobody's make'n fun of her on my shift."

Both Leno and Letterman after hearing today's presidential edict essentially said the same thing, that being,

"We'll see about THAT Dubya."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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