Congresswoman Omar Wakes Up To A Camel’s Head In Her Bed

Funny story written by Dr. Billingsgate

Thursday, 18 July 2019

image for Congresswoman Omar Wakes Up To A Camel’s Head In Her Bed

BILLINGSGATE POST: Ilhan Abdullah Omar, one of the Four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse, thought she was having a bad dream when she awoke to find a huge camel head lying next to her in bed.

The scene was eerily remindful of the famous one from Francis Ford Coppola’s 1972 crime drama, The Godfather, in which producer Jack Woltz, who unwisely refused a request from the Corleone family to cast Johnny Fontane (Don Corleone’s godson) in his new film, awoke to find the severed head of his prize thoroughbred in his bed.

Who would even consider doing such a thing to the mouthy little Congresswoman from Minnesota who allegedly married her brother for a tax write-off? Or in referring to 9/11: “Some people did something.”

This was not exactly a picnic for the camel either. Once satisfied merely to get his nose in the tent and befouling a sleeping Bedouin or two, how surprising must it have been for the camel to have its head lopped off? Just to get back at some chick with a towel around her head? Not a normal gesture. Dromedaries have feelings too.

Omar: “Some people did something. I think that some people be Trump.”

Slim Everdingle: “A dastardly deed!"

Dirty: "A camel head could be a girl's best friend."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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