Alabama Rot Spreads To Governor’s Mansion

Funny story written by queen mudder

Sunday, 19 May 2019

image for Alabama Rot Spreads To Governor’s Mansion
Sieg heil! Governor Kay ‘Poison’ Ivey gives her party’s salute

Montgomery, Alabama - (Reuterus): The discovery of a parasitic disorder similar to Mad Cow Disease in Kay Ivey’s sumptuous gubernatorial mansion has been identified as Alabama Rot according to a report in Doghouse News.

Also known as sub-cute-anus adrenal globular psychopathy syndrome the sickness causes predominantly gay-bashing, pro-Confederate GOP old has-beens to criminalise settled Women’s Right To Choose abortion laws.

“Symptoms include an overwhelming compulsion to muzzle dissent in pregnant women,” roving Spoof reporters said this morning.

“And a dogged determination to enforce the GOP’s choke-hold leash.”

Governor Kay ‘Poison’ Ivey insists her ‘healthy’ brain is unaffected - despite displaying some pretty rabid personal behaviors - like ‘Nazi salutes’ - at her inaugural confirmation.

Alabama state veterinarians say she’s just pissed.

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