Montgomery, Alabama - (Reuterus): The discovery of a parasitic disorder similar to Mad Cow Disease in Kay Ivey’s sumptuous gubernatorial mansion has been identified as Alabama Rot according to a report in Doghouse News.
Also known as sub-cute-anus adrenal globular psychopathy syndrome the sickness causes predominantly gay-bashing, pro-Confederate GOP old has-beens to criminalise settled Women’s Right To Choose abortion laws.
“Symptoms include an overwhelming compulsion to muzzle dissent in pregnant women,” roving Spoof reporters said this morning.
“And a dogged determination to enforce the GOP’s choke-hold leash.”
Governor Kay ‘Poison’ Ivey insists her ‘healthy’ brain is unaffected - despite displaying some pretty rabid personal behaviors - like ‘Nazi salutes’ - at her inaugural confirmation.
Alabama state veterinarians say she’s just pissed.