Bugseye Pelosi Dumps A Horse’s Head On Trump’s Bed: Her Mafia Thing

Funny story written by Dr. Billingsgate

Thursday, 13 December 2018

image for Bugseye Pelosi Dumps A Horse’s Head On Trump’s Bed: Her Mafia Thing
A Horse's Head, Of Course

BILLINGSGATE POST: A horse's head is a horse's head, of course, of course.

“Donald, I think we have company in our bed.”

“Go back to sleep honey. You must be dreaming.”

“Donald, there’s a f**king horse’s head next to you.”

Reminiscent of the scene in "The Godfather" where producer Jack Woltz is treated by the the Corleone family to a reminder of what can happen to you if you cross a real crime family, the president is reminded that you don’t talk down or attempt to intimidate Bugseye Pelosi.

It is no exaggeration that the horse-head scene was one of the most iconic in film history. It was made famous from Mario Puzo's novel of the same name. Just after her meeting with President Trump and her consigliere, Chuckie Schumer, earlier this week, Bugseye gathered with the throng of reporters and directly questioned Trump’s manhood. After that, it was only a matter of time until she dropped the horse’s head on his bed to further intimidate him.

Bugseye Pelosi is “connected.” Her real name is Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro Pelosi. She grew up in the Little Italy section of Baltimore. As everyone knows, nothing got done in that city without mob approval. And you didn’t cross capo di tutti; boss of all bosses. Bad things happen when you mess with Family.

President Trump fears her more than he fears Robert Mueller, and rightly so.

Even veteran crack reporter, Slim Everdingle, was surprised by the vitriol that existed between the two.

Slim: "We ain't in Kansas, Dude."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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