Nervous over developments in the past few days regarding Mr. Trump’s sanctions, world leaders are taking unusual steps to avoid arrest when traveling abroad.
Leading the way, Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada has recently traveled to Hong Kong, where he remained anonymous by staying at $27-a-night hotels.
Mr. Trudeau’s caution stems directly from Canada’s December 1 arrest of Meng Wanzhou, 46, Chief Financial Officer of China’s Huawei Corporation, and daughter of its CEO.
Canada detained her and is threatening extradition to the US to help out with Mr. Trump’s sanctions policy against Iran.
She is charged with running a sham shell company to sell products to Iran despite US sanctions. She denies any wrongdoing.
Until bail this afternoon at $10 million, she has been incarcerated, in ill health, for more than ten days.
China is annoyed and has issued a storm of outrage.
A cautious Mr. Trudeau flew to Hong Kong wearing a false beard and a keffiyeh, plus long, flowing black robes.
Reports indicate he planned to speak in the high falsetto tones of a twelve-year-old.
Sources close to Mr. Trudeau report customs officials in Hong Kong “stared at him with obvious hostility” and one of them asked whether he had a bone saw in his luggage.
Another fumbled with his name at “Mr. Bin Salman?”
Mr. Trump is also worried he might be detained if he flies to China.
He is keen to visit The Great Wall for inspiration on building his barrier at the Mexican border.
But military analysis indicates if he includes Hong Kong on his tour, it would probably cooperate with arresting, handcuffing, and shipping him along to Beijing.
This would be “tit-for-tat” for threatening and bullying visiting corporate executives, instead of using diplomacy and negotiation.
Deeper, it is now being revealed by insiders to Mr. Trump (Mr. Bolton leading) that more serious measures are in the offing.
Strip-searching, flogging, and “The Guantanamo Grand Tour” are being considered.
Accordingly, Mr Trump will take no chances on his trip to China—he too will don a disguise.
Cosmetic surgery has given him the face of one of his heroes—plus a look beloved in China itself due to Mr. Nixon’s visit decades ago.
Further, Mr. Trump has been practicing a warbling effect with his voice to get him through customs.
This effect closely resembles the gabbling of turkey hens with an English vocabulary.
But Melania is reported tearful because Mr. Trump told her he might not be back for a while.
Additional to the Wall, he will check out building a Trump Tower in Beijing.