BILLINGSGATE POST: For those who recall reading about former FBI Director J Edgar Hoover's much rumored passion for lady's fashions, pictures of Special Counsel Robert Mueller in a full feather boa may prove to be too much.
Newly revealed photos taken by BILLINGSGATE POST crack investigative reporter, Slim Everdingle, show Mueller dressed in a violet flamenco dress beautifully accented by a tastefully thrown, pink feathered boa wrapped around his turkey neck. Adding to the iconic pairing was a long stem rose drooping from his looping jowls.
Not to be outdone, yet in an effort to be unobtrusive, Slim was fashionably dressed in a classic white tee-shirt and Dickies Short Sleeve Mechanic's Coveralls. Described as allowing a generous fit in the shoulders and chest, its bi-swing back and elastic waist inserts offer Slim classic comfort and protection for his clandestine operations.
For those for whom a full feathered boa may simply be too much, a picture of James Comey offered a contrast in style. His smiling picture shows him wearing a ruffled tulle with satin shrugs. Although similar to a boa, it is much more durable and is machine washable; an absolute must for the practical former FBI Director.
Overheard in a whispered conversation between Mueller and James Comey, Slim reports that the two men were engaged in a friendly discussion over who was more appropriately dressed for this J Edgar Hoover commemoration event:
Mueller: "Don't you think I look chic with this scarf boa around my neck?"
Comey: "Let's agree to not disagree. However, I feel my ruffled tulle with its satin shrugs is much more practical, especially in Washington where it is so hot and humid."
NOTE: J Edgar Hoover served as FBI Director from 1924 -1972. Harry Truman once remarked that Hoover transformed the FBI into his private secret police force. Robert Mueller was FBI Director from 2001 - 2013. He was followed by his friend James Comey who served as Director from 2013 until he was fired by President Trump in 2017. Together, they embraced Hoover's tradition of the DEEP STATE private secret police force. Mueller is now using these powers as Special Counsel to impeach President Trump. It is only fitting that these two men commemorate J Edgar Hoover in this way.