Clearly Mental, FL As they have been promising and collecting "donations" for during the last three years, the Church of Scamatology promised they would be on the air with their new TV network "real soon." (If the past is any indication, could be anywhere from tomorrow to ten years from now.)
With this exciting news, some ot the planned programming details have leaked out. They include Bill Cosby's comeback show, What's in Billy's Bar? where contestants bet on how long a Sea Org member can remain standing after drinking one of Cosby's drinks. The loser reports to the Ethics Department where the penalty will be decided.
One of the most anticipated shows is a panel show with Scamatology celebrities. The first one is rumored to be a panel of Tom Snooze, Alley Kirtsey, and Doug B. Rotten trying to convince John Revolting not to make a sequel to Battlefield Earth.
The climax to the new season will be L R. Hubtard broadcasting from Target Two about how to have a happy marriage and how to live a drug-free life. Those further up the bridge will be sold a secret password that will let them hear Ron's "Word to Clear" of the Day.