
Funny satire stories about Scamatology

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Funny story: Scamatology Does NOT Use Brainwashing Techniques Scamatology Does NOT Use Brainwashing Techniques

Scamatology Does NOT Use Brainwashing Techniques Scamatology Does NOT Use Brainwashing Techniques

Scamatology Does NOT Use Brainwashing Techniques is what we found out in our interview with Scientology representative Karen K-Pow. One thing she said in her interview that she thought was a misconception the public had about Scamatology, is that...

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Funny story: Scamatology Recruits Religious Groups from All Over the Universe to Protest A & E Broadcasts

Scamatology Recruits Religious Groups from All Over the Universe to Protest A & E Broadcasts

Clearly Mental, FL The Cult of Scamatology has been gathering religious groups from all over to protest with them what they are calling "great religious oppression." This started when the A&E Network ran programs exposing corruption, religiou...

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Funny story: Scamatology to Sue NXIVM For Stealing Cult Procedures

Scamatology to Sue NXIVM For Stealing Cult Procedures

Clearlymental, FL The Cherch of Scamatology today filed suit against the NXIVM cult for plagiarism, stealing company secrets, and a wide range of other offenses. "Separating cult members from their family if they object to the cult-WE invented tha...

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Funny story: Scamatology Reps Visit North Korea to Study Their Labor Camps

Scamatology Reps Visit North Korea to Study Their Labor Camps

Our correspondent has learned that the Church of Scamatology has sent representatives to North Korea to study their labor camp system. Scamatology has been known to throw wayward "Clams," as they like to be called, into either the RPF, which is where...

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Funny story: Anti-Cultists Using Scamatology TV to Stop Potential Converts from Joining Scamatology

Anti-Cultists Using Scamatology TV to Stop Potential Converts from Joining Scamatology

NotClear, FL Cult Experts who have been trying to dissuade people that are falling under the spell of Scamatology have been having them watch Scamatology TV. "Generally, once they see about five minutes of the cult's TV station they are glad to n...

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Funny story: The Republican Party and Scamatology to Merge, Forming Republicanology

The Republican Party and Scamatology to Merge, Forming Republicanology

The heads of the Republicans and Scamatology today held a joint press conference to announce their merger. "We were so close in ideology already, it seemed like a good savings of resources to just combine" said the Scamatology head, Davey Makeafis...

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Funny story: Scamatology TV Network Sets New Viewing Records!

Scamatology TV Network Sets New Viewing Records!

Ratings firms are amazed at the records being set by the Scamatology Network, which launched in March. "It has the absolute lowest ratings we have ever seen," said a ratings executive. "It is the only network we have seen that, the majority of th...

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Funny story: Church of Scamatology Will Start Broadcasting New Network "Real Soon"

Church of Scamatology Will Start Broadcasting New Network "Real Soon"

Clearly Mental, FL As they have been promising and collecting "donations" for during the last three years, the Church of Scamatology promised they would be on the air with their new TV network "real soon." (If the past is any indication, could be any...

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Funny story: Interview With Xenu

Interview With Xenu

Interviewer: Thank you for consenting to this interview. Xenu: Well, I don’t get a lot of requests, seeing as I’m chained to this mountain and have been for 75 million years or so. Interviewer: Yes, I didn’t want to bring it up unless you did, but apparently you wanted to solve your overpopulation problem and gathered up the excess people, froze them, and put them in a rocket ship that was...

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Funny story: L. Ron Clubcard Returns to Earth from Target Two

L. Ron Clubcard Returns to Earth from Target Two

Clearwater, FL L. Ron Clubcard, famed Sci-Fi Writer and cult founder, has fulfilled his promise to return to Earth.He gave his first interview and answered all the questions about why he was back, was he going to write more long-winded science fictio...

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Funny story: Trump Announces He Will Resign and Join Church of Scamatology

Trump Announces He Will Resign and Join Church of Scamatology

Trump Tower, NY President Trump stunned the nation today when he announced that he was resigning the Presidency to join the Church of Scamatology. "I was just walking down the street and this scruffy child came up to me and handed me a flyer. It w...

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Funny story: Church of Scamatology Declares Themselves Ineligible For Athletic Competition Due to Super-Powers

Church of Scamatology Declares Themselves Ineligible For Athletic Competition Due to Super-Powers

Clearlymental, FL The Church of Scamatology has made a special announcement regarding the fact that none of their members, even though they are supposed to be the most awesome people on the planet, have ever factored into any sports competitions.

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Funny story: Tom Snooze Is Upset at Daughter Snori

Tom Snooze Is Upset at Daughter Snori

Beverly Hills, CA Tom Snooze expressed his chagrin about his daughter, 10 year-old Snori, being irresponsible, not working anywhere, and most of all, not going up the Scamatology Bridge. "We believe that children are just adults in a short body an...

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Funny story: PU Powers of Scamatologists

PU Powers of Scamatologists

Scamatologists all over were overjoyed to have heard about new levels discovered that were superior to the OT levels, and even had the next highest alphabet lettering-PU. The PU Powers include the ability to smell really foul odors from miles away. "It's not really all that fun, in fact it's really annoying when you're in the middle of dinner and you can smell this raw sewage from miles away.

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Funny story: Tom Snooze Quitting Scamatology To Get Back to His Roots

Tom Snooze Quitting Scamatology To Get Back to His Roots

Clearly Criminal, FL Almost as famous as he thinks he is movie star Tom Snooze made an announcement that he was quitting the Church of Scamatology in order to spend more time with himself. "The church did a lot for me, but what I really need right...

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Funny story: Scamatology to Sue TV Show The Path For Giving Away All Their Brainwashing Secrets

Scamatology to Sue TV Show The Path For Giving Away All Their Brainwashing Secrets

Clearly Criminal, FL Davey Makemerich, thuggish head of the Cult of Scamatology, announced through his mouthpiece, Karin Peowerless, that the new Hulu series, The Path, takes too much of its supposedly fictional story straight from the files of Scama...

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Funny story: Kim Jong-Un to Host Labor Camp Convention in North Korea

Kim Jong-Un to Host Labor Camp Convention in North Korea

Pyongyang, North Korea Kim Jong-Un, rotund hereditary dictator of North Korea, announced that his country would be hosting a symposium on labor camps, invitation only. It is expected that it will be attended by Russian gulag representatives, a fe...

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