Following release of the FISA memo last Friday, the investigative arms of the American Government are reported aghast.
Agents of the FBI and DOJ were observed reeling toward the locker room over the weekend.
Additionally, MSM members as with The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, et al are reported organizing toward “a consummate denial program,” already boiling and frothing in mainstream news here and there.
The MSM message:
There is nothing wrong with the way our honorable intelligence services have investigated what we already knew—that Russia tampered with the 2016 election!
Evidence? Some matters do not need evidence, as is well-known in government circles toward policy and matters significant to elections.
Emerging now in public venues to buttress this MSM view across the land--
First, The Post Hoc Ergo Proctor Hoc* Song and Dance Ensemble.
(*after this, therefore because of this)
The Post Hoc program:
*Mr. Nunes and others, including Mr. Trump, (must be/probably/could be/are) employed by Mr. Putin.
*Absence of evidence on Nunes et al as Putin dupes, plus that Mr. Putin interfered with the election, is not evidence of absence (as with WMD in 03).*
(*Credit for this "thinking" attributed to Donald Rumsfeld of the George W. Bush administration: the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence principle.)
*Bias surfaced via the Clinton influence on the Steele dossier (both financing it plus supplying information to it) is irrelevant. Why? Whether the FBI decided improperly or not at that time, we are now convinced anyway, and will not change our minds!
Second, also emerging has come The Russia-Gate Chorale, featuring soprano, with full orchestral accompaniment and 300 voices.
Russia-Gate Chorale lyrics*:
Nempe quod nihil sit nisi burger (this nothing burger is truly nothing)
Nos semper dicere verum est dicere (we always speak truth)
Indice quod in tergo paginae (and retract on the back pages)
Ahh ahh . . .
(*Lyrics credited to Juvenal, Roman poet (60 –140 AD), also known for the famous precept: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Who will watch the watchmen?)