Trump Questions Dog Show Winner's Beagle Pedigree, Mockingly Calls Her "Snoopy"

Funny story written by Jaki Treehorn

Tuesday, 28 November 2017

image for Trump Questions Dog Show Winner's Beagle Pedigree, Mockingly Calls Her "Snoopy"
President Trump and Miss P the Beagle

Washington - The love affair between Miss P the Beagle, who won Best in Show at the Westminster Dog Show in 2015, and President Donald Trump, has come to an abrupt end.

During the fifth visit between the canine hero and Trump, taking place at the White House, Miss P relieved herself on the Commander-In-Chief during an extended photo-op with reporters and White House staff present in the Oval Office. Trump angrily handed the dog to her handlers and left the room.

The next morning at 3:00 A.M., a tweet storm from the President erupted, aimed at Miss P and her owners. "I'm done with Snoopy, her behavior, once at a championship level thanks to @realDonaldTrump, has sadly deteriorated. She insists she's a Beagle. I don't think so."

Five minutes later he followed up with another blast. "I never really believed Snoopy was a purebred Beagle, I want them to find her papers. Obviously fake breeding intended to embarrass me....very unfair!"

The dog's owners could not be reached for comment.

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