Rush Limbaugh Tells Glenn Beck If He Doesn't Like The Republican Party Then Maybe He Needs To Join Sarah Palin's Rogue Teabag Party

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Sunday, 16 March 2014

image for Rush Limbaugh Tells Glenn Beck If He Doesn't Like The Republican Party Then Maybe He Needs To Join Sarah Palin's Rogue Teabag Party
Rush loves to smoke 12-inch cigars. (Photo courtesy of Mrs. Rush Limbaugh).

NEW YORK CITY - Rush Limbaugh told Political Salad Bar Magazine that he is growing tired of hearing so many members of the GOP whining and complaining about their beloved political party.

Limbaugh said that the latest crybaby is none other than Glenn "Granny Teardrops" Beck. Rush said that Becky, as he calls him, seems to spend more time crying, weeping, and dabbing at his eyes than he does talking.

Rush said that Glenn is one of those fair-weather Republicans like that wicked witch up in Wasilla, Sarah "Reindeer Breath" Palin.

Limbaugh remarked that he wishes that Becky and that Tina Fey lookalike from the Iceberg State could be more like Bill O'Reilly and Ann Coulter, two individuals who put the Republican Party over the well-being and lives of every Democrat in the USA.

Rush Hudson Limbaugh III, is noted for smoking 12-inch cigars that kind of resemble a certain part of the male anatomy.

He told Savannah Bamboo with Political Salad Bar Magazine that if fake GOPers like Glenn Beck do not like the Republican Party then maybe (they) should jump ship and join "Snowflake" Palin's rogue Teabag Party AKA The Teabaggers.

SIDENOTE: When Sarah Palin was told of Limbaugh's comments she rolled her eyes and said that she has four and a half times more testosterone hormones than "Tubby" Limbaugh does.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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