Nude New Yorker At McDonalds Not Doing Well

Funny story written by Bureau

Saturday, 15 February 2014


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image for Nude New Yorker At McDonalds Not Doing Well

Whatever he was up to, an unnamed male (at present) suddenly appeared in New York McDonalds and ran into a lot of trouble.

"He actually got in the back door", stated an employee that someone forgot to relock after going out back for a break. He had no clothes on whatever and it's pretty cold outside."

"Oh, it had to be drugs because his eyes looked like he didn't know where he was", stated another.

"I can tell you one drug he was probably on was Viagra", as everyone laughed.

McDonald's and naked men seem to go together lately. A naked man stopped at a Maryland McDonald's earlier this year and one went through the drive in more than once in a small town in Tennessee and hasn't been caught as he had license plate removed and a clown's mask. So I guess he wasn't completely naked.

This guy was the most unlucky of the group.

"We were just standing back from him when this big lady customer who had her kids with her came around the counter and banged him on the naughty part with a metal tray after she had downed him with a knee to the groin."

"Yeah, we were actually more afraid of the lady than the naked guy."

Someone in the restaurant had called the police from a cell phone, maybe more than one, and they came and took away the guy who was just jibbering by that time.

"We started thanking the lady but she still seemed to be blaming us somehow so we gave her and the kids free meals."

(Note: All involved says that they couldn't give their names as it was company policy not to)

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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