George Clooney Gives Michelle Obama A Fantastic 50th Birthday Present

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Monday, 20 January 2014

image for George Clooney Gives Michelle Obama A Fantastic 50th Birthday Present
President Obama in the Oval Office talking to George Clooney.

WASHINGTON, D.C. - President Obama has always said that two of his unofficial advisors, George Clooney and Oprah Winfrey have given him some fabulous advice.

The president noted last summer that Clooney and Winfrey together have done more for the nation than all of President George W. Bush's paid advisors combined.

The Amalgamated Data Gathering Agency has verified the president's remark.

President Obama beamed with pride as he told the White House press corps that the first lady received the best birthday present ever from their close friend George Clooney.

The president said that Clooney, who he considers one of America's greatest actors, gave his wife a 2014 fully-loaded Cadillac Escalade SUV.

SIDENOTE: An inside source at the White House stated that the president was so happy that he told George Clooney that he will not have to pay any income taxes that he may owe this year.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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