Scarlett Johansson To Star In "The Talking Head - The Megyn Kelly Story"

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Friday, 17 January 2014

HOLLYWOOD - Miramix Films in association with Pipe Dream Pictures has just announced that they have signed Scarlett Johansson to star as Megyn Kelly in the movie The Talking Head - The Megyn Kelly Story.

The film will be directed and produced by one of America's top female director/producers Charleen Belle Pinnzucker.

The motion picture will be shot on location in New York City as well as in Rabbit Shuffle, North Carolina, and Sweet Lips, Tennessee.

Ms. Pinnzucker told Silver Screen Showcase Magazine that Johansson looks, talks, and acts exactly like Megyn Kelly.

She noted that Scarlett even perfectly imitated the rather weird way that Megyn pronounces certain words such as Mississippi, cafeteria, clitoris, Guatemala, and prophylatic.

Charleen Belle Pinnzucker stated that the movie will also feature President Obama in a cameo role and his youngest daughter Sasha Obama will have two speaking lines in the movie.


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