Where Oh Where Is The $700 Million?

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Saturday, 6 April 2013

image for Where Oh Where Is The $700 Million?
President Obama is reportedly extremely upset over the misplacing of the $700 Million in Hurricane Katrina Funds.

WASHINGTON, D.C. - As everyone knows it is not easy in this day and age to have money intended to go here to end up over there or money meant for this project to end up funding another totally unrelated project.

The American people have seen that happen many times. One such incident occurred during President George Dubya Bush's watch when $1.9 million that was supposed to have gone to paint the the Statue of Liberty's fingernails was instead diverted to an animal husbandry fund to study the mating habits of Longhorn cattle.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has just announced that it is missing $700 million from the Hurricane Katrina Fund.

Reports are that a team of investigators from the CIA investigated the matter and they have reported that the entire $700 million was filtered into a Louisiana mosquito spraying fund.

[WRITER'S NOTE: I spoke with White House Press Secretary Cal Colfax and he informed me that President Obama has made some phone calls and the four Bayou State individuals who are responsible for filtering the Hurricane Katrina Funds will be arrested if the entire $700 million is not on his desk in the White House's Oval Office by midnight April 11, 2013.]

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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