Residents of The Isle of Wight believe they have enough talented football players to start a 'League of their own' and therefore interested residents across he Isle are busy organizing try-outs for teams.
Mayors of each village do admit that they have a lot to learn in hiring Managers, coaches and players but they have seen how much interest there is on the Mainland, especially when it comes to the English Premiership League.
The Isle of Wight wants to get 'in on this' especially as many have noticed how the 'Football stories' get many ratings over at The Spoof and how much the players earn.
Islanders are not, at this time, certain that they will have 'quality WAGS' but they say they will do their best with what they have.
Each village is going to 'field' a team and are scouting for coaches at present. They have many names of ex-footballers and are hoping to get them to come to the Isle and help the up-coming 'stars' of the EPL.
Gazza(Paul Gascoine for those who don't know the name) has agreed to come to the Isle and oversee this immense venture. He has offered his services free, apart from the odd pint at the pubs on the Isle.
So far, this is the main news of the upcoming 'Isle of Wight Football League'.
We will keep you updated.