Sex Shop chain, Anne Summers, has today revealed what it hopes will be its new best seller.
The Big Jobby is a new departure in sex-toys and is unique as it has no specific application.
Wanda Shagalot, spokesman for the saucy retailer told us:
"It's whatever you want it to be really and its only limitation is your imagination. It would also double as some kind of clamp too, maybe for sealing oven chips or something, so you're quids in if you buy one"
Police bassist and Tantric sex enthusiast, Sting, commented:
"Giant steps are what you take, walking on the moon and I see this kind of thing as the way forward in the world of sex toys. Why aye, it's champion man!"
The City will watch sales of the Big Jobby closely as there are right load of pervs working there and it would be right up their street; that kind of mucky thing we mean.