WINDSOR ESTATES, England - (Satire News) - One of England's most famous redheads, Sarah Ferguson, has decided that the time has come for her to sell her huge English castle.
The Duchess of York told Tickety Boo News reporter Brompton Boxgrove, that she learned that the 472-year-old castle is in extreme dire need of lots and lots of minor and major repairs.
So after learning that the repairs to Castle Fergie, were going to cost £3 million, which in US dollars would be $3,651,945.30, the royal redheaded lady decided to sell the historical castle, which Rolling Stones lead singer Mick Jagger tried to buy from her in March of 2016.
Fergie told Boxgrove, that since she now resides in America, she really does not want to invest any money in getting "Castle Fergie" in ship shape condition.
SIDENOTE: TBN has just learned that the buyer of "Castle Fergie" is none other than the sharp-tongued, Sultan of Sarcasm Simon Cowell.