Britain's Boris Johnson Tells Putin That If He Wants To Send 90 Tons of Crumpets To War-Torn Ukraine He Bloody F*cking Will!

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Monday, 23 May 2022

image for Britain's Boris Johnson Tells Putin That If He Wants To Send 90 Tons of Crumpets To War-Torn Ukraine He Bloody F*cking Will!
Prime Minister Johnson says that the evil Russian he-bitch can kiss his unique hairdo.

LONDON - (Satire News) - 10 Downing Street was the scene of quite a brouhaha, as Prime Minister Johnson let it be known that he is not going to let the short, evil, onion-looking Valdimir Nikita Putin push him (Johnson) around as if he was that racist, predatorial, orange-complected, lying Donald Jonathan Erasmus Trump.

Johnson told Birmingham Cribworthy with The Bees Knees News Agency, that he received a very angry, bitter-as-shite, text message from the Napoleon-complex-afflicted Putin telling him in no uncertain terms that he needs to cancel his shipment of crumpets to the Ukraine immediately.

Putin further added that if the English prime minister does not cancel his shipment, then he (Putski) will have no choice but to launch Russian missiles towards Liverpool and destroy the world-famous Beatles Museum that is located on Maid Marion Drive.

Boris, who reportedly has an IQ of 162, laughed and said that the communistic mental midget can kiss his dangly bits three or seven times.

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