Miguel Garage, UKIP's spokesman of the day, has made the extraordinary claim that anyone still opposing the party's version of Brexit must be a traitor.
"It's not rocket science," said the fat former stockbroker. "We had a vote, and the will of the people was to leave the EU. So any person whose will doesn't match the will of the people is an undemocratic traitor, and should be hanged."
Garage's strong words come as MPs are still undecided what form Brexit should take. Many still want the UK to remain in the EU, or else desire a soft Brexit. UKIP disagree.
"How many times do I have to say it? We voted to bloody leave. And that's the only vote that counts. We can't have another one. All other votes are treasonous and undemocratic. We won that one, so we never need to have another vote ever. Basically UKIP should be made leaders for life, and anyone who disagrees is a traitor!"