Pamela Anderson is the most brilliant person in the world

Funny story written by King Kong

Friday, 16 November 2018

image for Pamela Anderson is the most brilliant person in the world

Pamela Anderson used logical reasoning to express the truth with Australia’s 60 Minutes on Sunday, when she revealed the downfalls of feminism and the #MeToo movement.

The intellectual actress called “this third wave of feminism” a “bore.”

“I think this feminism can go too far,” Anderson said. “I’m a humanitarian, and I think that this third wave of feminism is a bore and a form of terrorism against men and women.”

Sean Penn, another smart Hollywood actor, agreed with Anderson, saying #MeToo movement is trying to ‘divide men and women’.

She continued: “I think it paralyzes men. I think this #MeToo movement is a bit too much for me. I’m sorry, but men and women were created for each other, and women should praise humanism."

She continued to share her opinions on the topic, and explained how she would act if she ever found herself in a situation with disgraced film mogul, Harvey Weinstein, or someone similar to him.

“Common sense taught me, don’t go to a hotel with a person you don't want to sleep with," the model said.

Evolution tends to bring together compatible men and women with healthy repoductive systems, to keep the human race alive. Those that cause strife between the sexes, tend to go into extinction like so many lifeforms before them.

It's estimated that 80 percent of the feminists around the world have converted to lesbianism, reducing the population of defective females.

Last January, former French actress, Brigitte Bardot, said most actresses who have protested sexual harassment are “hypocritical” and “ridiculous”, because many of them “tease” producers to land film parts.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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