BILLINGSGATE POST: This just goes to prove, once and for all, that feminists have no sense of humor. And you don’t have to be female to be a feminist. In fact, anyone can bend their gender and be offended by just about anything. That’s why men are…
SPRINGFIELD, Illinois - (Satire News) - The Illinois state senate has voted overwhelmingly to change the phrase from "Old Man Winter" to the more appropriate "Old Woman Winter." The vote came out 96 to 4, to change the phrase. The chairman of t…
London- For decades filmmaker's and author's have portrayed France as the country of lover's. It could be that France used to be a romantic country, but in modern times, France is no different from Bangladesh or New York City. After interviewin…
Jazz trombonist Leroy “Jelly Roll” Wickham has faced public censure for continuing to allow himself to be called by his allegedly fat-shaming nickname. “There’s no shame in eating sweets, including jelly rolls, and having a large-sized body,” note…
A 26-year-old cat is getting a new lease on life after a foster home decided to "take a chance" on the rejected old pussy by donating her to a famous crone named Betty Friedan. The elderly female cat, named Alyssa, was surrendered to the Friedan h…
After years of late-night bingeing on massive quantities of junk food followed by periods of extreme restriction, Amanda Cantrell of New York City finally came clean to her therapist that she hadn't managed to come up with an issue more original than...
Lila Blossom, who began providing sexual services to men in exchange for money at the age of 16, and now, at the age of 32, heads the Lotus Blossom Massage Cooperative in Harlem, New York, recently decided to offer lip service to feminism by official...
Shangri-La, Tibet—Asked what he would expect in a successor if the next dalai lama were female, the current Dalai Lama said, “She would have to be attractive to me, because, for me, in a woman, beauty is more important than brains.” He then giggl...
Militant feminists have described an M&S window display in Nottingham which suggests that women must have "fancy little knickers" as sexist and "vomit-inducing". On the other hand, a display aimed at men suggests that they should have "outfits to...
Pamela Anderson used logical reasoning to express the truth with Australia’s 60 Minutes on Sunday, when she revealed the downfalls of feminism and the #MeToo movement. The intellectual actress called “this third wave of feminism” a “bore.” “I t...
The restaurant chain Dunkin’ Donuts announced on Tuesday that it’s dropping the word “Donuts” from its name, and renaming itself 'Dunkin’.' "The shortened branding will align with the company’s emphasis on coffee and other beverages," Dunkin’ Brands...
It's the sensational new craze that's set to sweep its way around the globe! Already it's 'ruffled the feathers' of a number of feminist groups and a few ultrasensitive frumpers, but most easy-going women see it for what it really is - a harmless bit...
Former freelance musician, Leona Warwick, 28, has finally decided to stop being half a person, and complete her life by getting a boyfriend. "After I left university, I travelled a lot, worked hard to pursue my dreams, and was earning a living doi...
Every time 34-year-old Kendra Burke of Nashville, Tennessee, sees a crew of drunken girls in cutoff short-shorts, cowboy boots, and matching T-shirts go by on a foot-powered Pedal Tavern Bus, she wonders when the day will finally come for her bachelo...
Dr Herman Hervey Swinefield, the world renowned American philanderer and film critic has hit back against what he calls the unacceptable face of feminism. Touching up and fondling female backsides is all part of being a male sexual predator and p...
A new feminist organization made up of members 0f the previous "Just Say NO" and "Abstinence Only" orgs has petitioned PBS to cease showing mating dances of hummingbirds and other mating rituals of animals. "There is NOTHING beautiful about these dis...
A new feminist organization calling itself the..."Alt Pussy" has announced its petition to the FDA to curtail all manufacturing of testosterone drugs in the USA. The group is made up primarily of women harassed by Harvey Weinstein, Bill O'Reilly and...
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