Dr Herman Hervey Swinefield, the world renowned American philanderer and film critic has hit back against what he calls the unacceptable face of feminism.
Touching up and fondling female backsides is all part of being a male sexual predator and perfectly natural behaviour. He refutes the scurrilous allegations made against him by certain sick minded females of dubious character, calling them frigid and frustrated. "What most of them need is a really good screwing and less use of the vibrator," he chuckled as he fondled his genitals during an interview with our Weekly-leeks reporter. She responded by revealing much more of her black panties than normal,which certainly got his full attention.
"What the hells wrong with using your natural attributes to gain advancement? Of course it puts the fridgid elements at a disadvantage," he retorted with a sneer. "Monroe was reported to have said she spent more time on her knees than in front of the camera, doing exactly what, one leaves to conjecture and fertile imagination. Crawford knew exactly what she needed to do in order to get the best parts, which one also assumes required kneeling. Even Bardot was happy to receive compliments from male admirers."
"We need more big busted, short skirted females bending over photcopiers to relieve the boredom of officework that we poor overworked males have to endure. Especially when they forget to put their knickers on when rushing to get to work. Political correctness is only for the sick and weak minded wankers of this perverted world where men must learn to men once more," he ended, with his eyes fixed on her black panties.